To date we are aware of 168 individuals who have entered our clinic to better understand our equipment and protocols. They hear about us through their clients and patients and want to learn more. They come in (from all over the world) and literally photograph our equipment, documents, posters, room layout, price sheet and take notes on our business model and various protocols. We salute these people in their efforts to learn how to better help others. We are also excited to share our client success stories with studies from our university partners and our own case data.
Our high-level of achieved efficacy is the result of our developed protocols and medical-grade equipment. We are working with manufacturers and our own fabricators continuing to develop our technologies. In most cases, we do not utilize "off-the-shelf" device configurations. Rather, we have designed and ordered devices with specifications that perform to our requirements. Therefore, we must secure a new FDA Clearance for our version of the device. This operational model and methodology is expensive so financial success is based on extreme-scale rollout ... beyond 100 clinics. We hold paper on 182 clinics currently as we ramp up our infrastructure to open and manage 15,000.
We are not developing all these clinics from the ground up, rather we are in constant negotiations to purchase existing clinics - often clinic organizations with multiple locations - to convert them to our Wellness, etc. service model.
We are actively opening 7 new clinics simultaneously at the time of this writing (2025.01).