Across our own cases, we have witnessed the elimination of thousands of cancerous lesions - primarily basal carcinomas - on hundreds of clients. More importantly, our protocols rejuvenate and lengthen telomeres which halts the potential of tissue progressing to immortal cells (cancerous tumors). We have also eliminated tens of thousands of mutated cell clusters, nodules, tumors and cataracts which prevented those cells' progression to cancer.
How effective is our protocol? Case example, a 78 year old retired NFL football player who coached HS football for 38 years in Las Vegas has suffered the removal of 1,340 skin cancer lesions over 30 years. After 6 months of 1-2 weekly sessions, his skin healed and he simply did not have any more lesions. His dermatologist laughed at the concept until he examined our common client. While this was the most intense case, 800 of our other clients have enjoyed a similar experience.
Also, we now have 14 women who presented with nodules on their thyroids on day 1 with clear sonograms after 4 months of 1-2 treatment sessions each week.
We are currently running our pre-NIH Trial for breast cancer. Our treatment protocol has completely eliminated several small tumors which may have progressed into more serious conditions. We expect to collect sufficient case data to announce "The end of breast cancer" in 2025.
We have over 150 clients who presented with prostate issues. After several treatments, their symptoms are reduced or gone completely.
We are actively running a Respiratory Rejuvenation program primarily with a Fortune 100 chemical and building materials manufacturer, the coal industry, tobacco smokers, white lung (silica), landscapers, etc.. We are confident our technologies can virtually end lung cancer via prevention.