Having treated over 1,000 clients with sun damaged skin, we have witnessed an amazing rejuvenation where the potential for this treated tissue to progress to skin cancer is radically reduced or eliminated. Our non-evasive protocols have been shown to stabilize and lengthen telomeres in the dermal and sub-dermal layers so effectively that the large population of healthy, high-integrity RNA/DNA cells completely overrun the small populations of mutated cells – which ultimately eliminates the mutated cell clusters. Our own cases represent over 20,000 lesions eliminated. Our Biophotonics treatments dramatically increase ATP levels, as well as, T-cell, T-reg cell and Stem Cell production. Our tissue rejuvenation treatments provide energy to the healthy cells which rob all resources from skin lesions including moles, skin tags, sun damage, age spots, melasmas, keratosis, Stage 0-2 carcinomas, Stage 0-2 melanomas and also adds collagen to eliminate tissue-thin skin, wrinkles and scars (clients who present with Stage 3-4 carcinomas/melanomas are referred to dermatologists). Ultimately all of these skin lesions will simply be eliminated. We have even witnessed birthmarks totally disappear on adults.
Our skin treatment protocols also have a tightening effect - perfect for Non-evasive Face Lifts, Tummy Tucks, arms, legs, love handles, ...
This is also an effective treatment for virtually all skin inflammation conditions including psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, shingles, Herpes Type 2 and bed sores. Type 2 diabetics have enjoyed wound healing within days even if their open wound had not healed in years. While we do not treat any of these conditions directly, our tissue rejuvenation protocols provide a combination of increased ATP, T-cell, T-reg and Stem Cell production which reduce viral and bacterial populations while making healthier cells at the time of cellular replication.
The ultimate result ... flawless skin ... over 100 of our long-term clients could literally pursue a career as "Professional Skin Models".