In hundreds of our client cases, our Tissue Rejuvenation protocols have restored the damaged source tissue to health which totally eliminated the symptoms of neuropathy with significant pain relief after the first session.
Our advanced technology rejuvenates and literately regenerates the tissue of the nervous system. For a more radical example, over 50 of our clients have undergone acupuncture treatments (a destructive procedure to eliminate pain signals from damaged tissue to the brain as a pain management methodology). Our treatments regenerate the neurons and dendrites the acupuncture destroyed which temporarily brings back the pain signals. Eventually our Tissue Rejuvenation sessions restore the health of the source damaged/degraded tissue eliminating all pain and related issues.
We have examined a long list of neuropathy treatment packages offered by medical and alternative service organizations. We are dismayed at the high costs and low efficacy compared to our solutions and track record. The most common our clients tell us about is a $3,000, 17 session package over 4 weeks utilizing only an 18W laser. The fact that many of our clients complete that package then come to us does not speak well for the protocol. Our Neuropathy Solution is more effective at a lower cost.