By the time an individual reaches the Chronological Age of 70, their body is likely operating at about 30% of its peak chemical energy production level of their youth. This is well understood and supported by human physiology and kinesiology research. Medical research has developed thousands of Physiological Age evaluation and functionality tests.
Note that ophthalmologists report a visual acuity of about 30% of peak by age 70, Human Performance Labs report 30% of peak motor skills by age 70 and hair follicles show about 30% melanin production from peak by age 70. This 10% loss of chemical energy production each decade as we age is the norm across virtually all aspects of human health for most of our population.
When our cells experience a lower production level of chemical energy, there is also an increase in the frequency of RNA/DNA integrity degradation (shortening of telomeres) and subsequent minor mutations during each cellular reproduction cycle. This cellular degradation, mutation and ultimately the loss of the time-to-live base pair is the clinical definition of cancer.
Biophotonics treatments (with medical-grade devices) progressively increase an individual’s chemical energy levels which maintains the length and integrity of the telomeres. This has been proven by hundreds of clinical trials and the increase is radical ... 2.5x-6.2x in ATP in the tissue being directly treated. The mitochondria in our bodies convert red light photons into chemical energy to augment the chemical energy being generated from food consumption.
Our Stem Cell Stimulation protocol results in radically increased telomerase enzyme production which counteracts the telomere shrinking process that uniquely holds the key to delaying or even reversing the cellular aging process.
In our clinics, it is so rewarding to see 75-100+ year old men and women enjoying their natural hair color for the 1st time in decades by simply raising the chemical energy in their hair follicles. Their visual acuity also improves as does their muscle tone, their balance/core strength and motor skills, skeletal mass/density, skin tissue health, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, lymphatic, digestive and immune systems are all energized.