The statistics of lung tumors present a clear narrative ... while young adults (18-35) are exposing their lungs to high levels of particulates (chemicals from cigarettes, vaping, cannabis, silica (desert regions), toxic cleaners, weed killer, insecticides, paints, epoxies, industrial gases, etc.), lung cancer rarely develops before age 50. This data motivates the concept that this has less to do with the amount of particulates inhaled into the lungs and more to do with the degraded strength of one's immune system as we age. The foreign particulates lodged in the lung sacs (alveoli) are the catalysts that break down chromosomal telomeres which progress to lung cancer, but an individual's strong immune system can eliminate most of the particulates ... well ... until it cannot. That is when our Respiratory Rejuvenation treatment protocols will meet this challenge.
We have provided treatments to 2 dozen clients who presented with a tested pulmonary capacity of less than 50% and all have recovered to over 85% within 1 year (1 x 1 hour treatment per week) and one of our clients (2-3 packs of cigarettes per day smoker of 38 years) went from 62% to 98% lung capacity in 9 months (3rd party tested). Our sessions also increase red blood cell oxygen loading significantly which has helped over 360 of our clients eliminate their high blood pressure condition and nearly 100 of our clients significant athletic performance enhancement.